It is often said that projects should be managed as networks of commitments. Yet most teams implementing the Last Planner System® (LPS) are coached to represent their plans as disconnected activities without clear handoffs. Ironically, most “LPS” software providers in the market caution their users to limit handoffs between activities.
We know that you cannot build a network without connections!
Stop pretending to use LPS® and explore how the various vPlanner modules work together to enable you to truly manage your projects as networks of commitments.
Use vPlanner.Pull to collaborate on sequencing the work from any location in real-time while performing analytics to check if the work can be done when it is needed. Your team can learn vPlanner.Pull in a matter of minutes and engage in robust discussions about how to manage the handoffs and stay focused on the target.
vPlanner.Pull Key Features
Use vPlanner.Manage to plan, integrate, and manage production for the entire project. It offers comprehensive support for all the phases of the Enhanced Last Planner System®, takt planning, advanced metrics, analytics, and best-in-class integration with legacy CPM tools.
vPlanner.Manage Key Features
Use vPlanner.Mobile to access and status commitments from any location and using any device.

Stand apart from the competition!
We carefully picked the features of vPlanner so we can simplify the management of complex work! Allow us to do the heavy lifting so that you can focus on the work.
Steering Production Towards Targets
vPlanner offers powerful tools designed to support the full range of opportunities when implementing the Enhanced Last Planner System® as presented in the LPS 2020 Benchmark. In fact, the newly added advanced Last Planner System® Metrics are based on metrics that have been available in vPlanner for several years. In the short clip below, Samir Emdanat, President of vPlanner, discusses how vPlanner helps teams Steer Production towards Targets.
Steering Production Towards Targets
Teams that Implement the Last Planner System® Plan Better Using vPlanner
In-Depth: vPlanner.Pull
Take a look at this hands-on demonstration of the features of vPlanner.Pull and how it integrates with vPlanner.Manage. Plan in realtime, save time, and execute reliably by integrating all the pull plans to manage the entire project.
In-Depth: vPlanner.Manage
Take a look at the advanced features of vPlanner.Manage that enabled teams to manage projects as networks of commitments so that they can work in sequence and do the right things at the right time while staying focused on the targets.
Not all LPS® Implementations are Created Equal!
Created by P2SL at UC Berkeley, the 2020 LPS® Benchmark embodies the most recent advancements of the Last Planner System®. Key among them is the expansion of the system to cover both near-term and long-term planning horizons and the introduction of advanced new metrics that the vPlanner team had designed to align the near-term priorities with the long-term project milestones. To our knowledge, vPlanner is the first and only commercial system that supports the expanded definition of LPS®.
Your choice! You can live in the past and implement LPS® as envisioned in 1999 or leap forward and use vPlanner to implement LPS® as envisioned today.